Protocol and Etiquette for Caribbean People: Etiquette in Communication

Protocol & Etiquette for Caribbean People: Etiquette in Communication provides guidelines for Caribbean people to help with interactions in the business world, within the region and internationally. The book explains the principles of basic courtesies for greetings, handshakes, introductions, telephone and email courtesies, gift giving, gestures, raising toasts and more. Etiquette in Communication would be helpful for parents and teachers who teach courtesies to young children, for young people entering the world of work and those travelling abroad who want to do it right.


Protocol and Etiquette for Caribbean PeopleEtiquette in Communication is written to remind readers of the important role courtesies and good manners play in fostering great relationships in business, as well as in social settings. This book provides guidelines on acceptable forms of behaviour for relationships in the workplace, at social events, on greetings, introductions, handshakes, exchange of business cards, telephone and email courtesies, gift giving, toasting and more.


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